“I love ART”

Andrew was born in 1993 and at the age of three diagnosed with Profound Autism. Hyperacusis makes him sensitive to certain sounds, loud noises, and different pitches. He also has apraxia of speech, which makes verbal communication difficult.

Since the age of three, art has become Andrew's primary form of expression and communication. Drawing has also helped him tremendously to stay calm and grounded.  Primarily self-taught in his early years, Andrew began attending MoMA’s Create-Ability monthly art program at the age of 11 since the inception of this program and has attended ever since. Guided by the museum’s art interns, the group visits the museum’s galleries and spends time creating at the museum’s studios. Annually, he displays his art work at the museum exhibit for the group, on view for the public.

He has also attended ARC’s “Art for You” weekly program and has weekly art and music therapies with Music for Life Creative Arts.

Andrew has exhibited his work at VOLITION gallery at Bell-ans Center of Creative Arts, Orangeburg, ARC’s fundraising events and Rising Above Bakery Art Exhibition, Nyack.

Currently, Andrew has been under the guidance of several local artists including Lauren Rudolph, Alice Mizrachi and Bill Batson.

He enjoys working in all mediums, however pen, pencil, marker, and Crayola twistable being his favorite.

The terms Outsider Art and Art Brut describe the passionate energy of Andrew's work. Art Brut was coined by French painter Jean Dubufett, meaning raw art.

Andrew also enjoys the culinary arts, loves his cooking lessons from Chef Pearl, and has been surrounded by cooking and baking from his Nonna Josephine all his life. He is an excellent bowler. He has come in second one year at the Special Olympics. At one game scoring 7 strikes in a row! During the pandemic, we started to take weekly music lessons and this morphed into Andrew taking weekly piano lessons which he loves and is showing amazing improvements with his teacher Sara, Music for Life Creative Arts.

Exhibition History

2013 – Present MoMA’s Create-Abilty yearly exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art

2015 – ARC Art Exhibition at VOLITION gallery, Orangeburg, NY

2018 – ART SPEAKS – Piece by Piece, art calling at Bell-ans Center of Creative Arts, Orangeburg NY

2023 – Rising Above Bakery Art Exhibition, Nyack NY

2023 – Solo Exhibition RETROSPECTIVE Piermont, NY

“Andrew's art is full of energy and creative expression. Andrew loves color and pattern and connection to the subject. Andrew loves to see how materials interact and loves the feeling of loose, expressive brushstrokes. Andrew's style is very free and bold. “